Saturday, November 30, 2013


Well,people always wanted it to be the end,but at lastly people will miss back,but today im not gonna tell u that im happy spm was over,im sad bcause i still waiting my dream girl,i don't know how to show her that i deeply love her,i confused with myself,i stuck in the moment,i imagine a lot about her that until i can't slept.But it's okay Sab,even though u don't love me,but u always look at me,is okay,i'll be always waiting for u,may Allah SWT settle this down,i give for u sab.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why i love lifting,bodybuilding.

This is the best question,i love to lift,because when i sad,angry,hungry,happy,nobodys will know,just myself so i can throw all the feel to the dumbell,i lift it heavy,after i lifting i felt so much better,and i wanna be fitness model on the megazine,well atleast got money :).

My father just ruined my new life.

Oh guys,well since i was young he didn't take care of me,and when my mother died and the lawyer will give 37k to leader of family,but my father wan't to took it and enjoy with himself,it such a bitch asshole,oh my god,but it's okay,life was too short,life my must go on,but this things will make me not focusing on study,i'll be thinking alot of this things,i felt so empty dumty,bullshit-.-,i hate my father either is still my father,inculde his family,bullshit,better die fast-.-i started hate sabahan people,37k u know?i work 25hour will never get 37k,fucked bullshit,he never take care of us,but he took all the money,wthell-.-,and the last thing,i hate when the lawyer make my sister crying,i keep myself to do not kill him,or maybe oneday,i should eat alot too look more bigger.bullshit-.-

Friday, June 21, 2013

My girl.

Oh i got my dream girl,yeah i felt so guilty if i don't get her,it'll be hurt,like people said *flowers not just one,flowers is a lot,*but for me,every flowers is different,so we should choose the best one for,but i choose to wait for her till the end of the day,i've been tell her for once that i love her, not work,but it not so pain,because i can wait for her till the end of the day,maybe the time has come i'll tell her for once again's,but seriously,when i think bout her,i feel happy,i'll caring of her like myself,i'll invite her get into the ship,and stop over the sea,yeah i know is so romantics,yeah i wish she will read this,everythings will be happend if u feel my hearth,we'll travel of the world together,then we gettin' married,we care our child to be success in life time.All i can say,she the one,she the reason of my smile,i love you so much of my life SAB,:(,i need you  to be mine.-i swear i'll waiting for u sab,just for u,and i love you,i really do,i know u would be angry to me,and i really want you to know that i really love you,everythings did u decide i'll happy for u,no metter u love me or not i'll be love you.

Somewhere over the rainbow

This is my life,i've been through everythings with myself,every breath that i take it means everythings,i would to thanks to my god that still give me a chance to live till now,no matter how hard it is,i tried make it easy as well,and i tried involve myself to a lots of things,my career is been workin' as i work it up,my dream will be achieve if i work for it,yeah life is too short,i live my life without nothings,and i relize i should be working on forward,think forward to be success.