Saturday, October 31, 2015


Hey sab,it's nearly 2016,i am not psycho im just the guy who falling on the hole and can't find the way to get up sab,u're beautifulness play my mind,and u know what?i was dreaming bout you last night,i mean all day,is like you giving a chance to me to be your boys,and then i couldn't handle you but atleast i've tried all in me.btw goodluck for you final exam.i really2 heart to you sab,i couldn't find for other girl my mind can't stopped think about you "Staring" .

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hey sab,i can't believe its been almost 3years waiting for you sab,i want let you know how i fall hard in love to you sab,i think you remember this moments "maybe",at school i've been changing class for Agama lesson at block E,and your class beside mine,and at that moment our both teacher didn't come,maybe or late,so you and your friends hangingout infront of your class,and me too,the first time how i saw you,is like you wake into my way so we both look each other,i couldn't stop look at you until even you read your novel,and the day began i am so motivate to going to school just to look at you,day by day until i lose all my motivate when u said "i tak suka you"..I know we both didn't know each other,and u don't even know me,but sab this is life,sometimes we accidently fall in love with stranger,and we couldn't forget about it,just like i do,i couldn't forget the moment when i was really motivate to going school just to look at you sab,you're giving so much hope to me moving forward sab,u know what,its almost 3years i couldn't feel any other girl love,your face keep imagine me,when i imagine ur face,it giving me so motivation to keep my life,until i become better man,Sab im truely loving you not just in this life,for my entire life.Im sick at this moment.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

hey sab

Hey sab,as you know we're gettin older we growth up,but it doesn't change from who i am the guy who still waiting&hoping for you to love me back,u're 19 now i've been crushing on you since u're 17 sab haha honestly since i've been crush on you i couldn't love any girl other then you,yeah sometimes my feeling was change loving someone's but it doesn't work after 2-3days,i still thinking of you,i start imagine how lucky guy on the earth if u're loving me,and sometimes i dream bout you much more,you're the pretty girl of my life sab,i put rest of my life until u really know how much i love you,haha i hear you study at kptm cause my bff saw you,btw sab take care since we meet again's,love.